Once LPG is received into the storage bullets, the product is tested to ensure that it is compliant with South African National Standards (SANS).
Product is then odourised and dispatched from the facility via road tanker to the market. Product can be directly loaded from the bullets into road tankers at loading gantries, which have been carefully designed with fully automated systems to ensure quick and safe loading.
A cylinder facility is located adjacent to the Terminal to supply LPG to the local domestic market. This is operated by an independent BBBEE company, Kusile Gas, as part of Sunrise Energy’s enterprise development programme.
Sunrise Energy has designed the Terminal in a modular manner to grow with the market over the next 30 years, under its concession from the government. The design includes room for expansion via Phases 2 and 3, which will ultimately enable Sunrise Energy to receive shipping parcels of up to 16,500 MT. This means that approximately 52,000 MT or more per month of LPG can be supplied to the market via the Sunrise Energy Import Terminal once the facility has been expanded to its full design capacity.
Sunrise Energy has been designed to the highest safety standards, complying with both national and international legislation. The following Safety-in-Design principles have been utilised in the design and construction of the terminal:
- The mounding of the LPG storage bullets to protect against Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosions (BLEVEs).
- Design and fabrication of the bullets according to the pressure vessel code ASME VIII Div 2.
- Automated Emergency Shutdown System and Fire System, which is automatically activated if a fire is detected. Firefighting systems are design to meet and exceed international National Fire Protection Association standards.
- Automated gas and fire detection systems throughout the plant process areas.
- High-integrity Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS).
- No venting of hydrocarbons, with recovery of all vapours via a vapour recovery system.
- Fully automated bullet transfer sequences and product loading preventing operator error.
The Sunrise Energy Terminal offers the following terminal services to customers:
- Verification of vessel compliance
- Management of ship discharges
- Testing and custody metering of discharged product
- Blending and odourisation of LPG to South African National Standards (SANS) specifications
- Laboratory services for testing and product quality verification
- Customer management systems and stock monitoring and reporting
- Road tanker loading services, including truck and driver database, ticketing systems, and custody metering by means of weighbridges.