At Sunrise, we are committed to providing a high level of service to its customers, with a focus on safety, efficiency, quality and the environment.

Sunrise received its IMS certification (ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 45001) in January 2022. This is a great achievement as we are currently the only company in the Oils and Gas Industry as well as first company in South Africa to achieve this certification.

Sunrise furthermore always conducts it business in terms of our company’s Code of Ethics.

With LPG forming a flammable mixture in air at specific concentrations, safety standards associated with LPG handling are of the utmost priority to Sunrise and we always ensure compliance with both national and international standards.

Sunrise is committed to achieving no Lost Time Injuries (LTIs), with it having achieved its 5-year LTI-free milestone in May 2022 and with it continuing to achieve this target. Its employees are committed to the following safety objectives:

  • Pro-active safety management and the identification of potential safety hazards
  • Promoting Safety, Health, Environment, Quality and Security Awareness throughout the company
  • Continuous consultation with external stakeholders regarding safety, security and emergency response procedures.
  • Continuous improvement of safety systems, policies and best practices.
  • Compliance with applicable legislation.
  • Ongoing consultation, communication and training of staff and key stakeholders.


Product is sampled and tested on the ship before it is offloaded, during offloading and again before it is batched and dispatched to truck. This provides our clients and their customers with assurance that product is always within the relevant SANS1774 specification parameters.

Unodourised product is received into the terminal and stenched with ethyl mercaptan at the loading gantries (per SANS1774) as the product is loaded onto the road tankers. This is a critical safety precaution to add the distinctive “gas smell” to the product.


Sunrise Energy is an open-access Terminal, for use by customers importing and distributing LPG to the market.

Prospective customers can apply for the use of uncommitted capacity in the Terminal, as per NERSA (National Energy Regulator of South Africa) requirements.  Uncommitted capacity refers to throughput capacity not contractually committed to other customers.

All users of the Terminal facilities must comply with the Allocation Mechanism and Terminal Use Policy, which can be downloaded from the link below.  This operating policy sets the conditions of use for Terminal users to ensure the facilitation of a competitive business environment, compliance with relevant laws and acts, compliance with Sunrise Energy licence conditions, and the optimal utilisation of the Terminal, allowing for continuity and security of LPG supply.

Allocation Mechanism and Terminal Use Policy
Published Uncommitted Capacity